News & Recipes
'Hot off the Press- Limited Release Olio Nuovo (new oil) - Liquid Gold Now Available
It's the one our FOOBIES wait for all year! Known throughout time for its quality, rich textures & medicinal value and dubbed by Greek Philosopher Homer as pure 'Liquid Gold',...
Winter Citrus Festival
Late winter brings colour, fruit and new life at Olio Bello as our organic orchard boasts citrus, our farm new lambs and the tasting room - new oil. Pruning is...
WIN: Ultimate $1,000 Luxury Retreat
Harvest is now 3/4 complete and our new Oil (Olio Nuovo) is ‘Hot off the Press’ and capturing the attention of VIP Chefs and visitors from around the world! Our...
Olio Bello harvest set for a bumper year
Our 10,000 olive trees are laden with fruit and Olio Bello is set for a bumper year! Our new oil 'Olio Nuovo' will soon be produced and available for limited...