Chilli Jam
This sweet, hot, tangy jam is great served with fresh prawns and fish or try with grilled prime cut meats. A Wonderful complement to cheese platters.

Chill jam
Order it twice a year. Tasted it at a party and have been a fan ever since. Quick postage to N. S. W.

Perfect gift
Tried some at a party, a gift to the host. Went home and ordered 2 jars the next day.Arrived in no time to NSW. A great jam

Chilli Jam
Love this Chilli Jam.. great taste sharing with family & friends .. great gift ideas along with Olio Bello other products

tried this when staying at the glamping and now is a staple in our house - tastes good with everything!

Chilli Jam - OMG
OMG it's my go to for all things yummy. Love it, love it, love it. I love it so much I always buy at least 6 jars at a time!